VEX Robots

2022-2023 is the first year that the 2022 Vex Team 1750 has participated in the Vex Competition. The first robot design took about 5 months to complete due to unfamiliarity with the many particular parts and pieces. Our robot, named “12 mk.1” wasn’t fully operational, but managed to do enough to land semifinals. Before the last competition before State Competition (which our robot failed to reach), the Vex team, including Simon O’Hara, Mick O’Hara (the writer of this article), Luke Baker, Rachel Han, and Micah Perteet, decided to apparently redesign the whole robot a week before competition, which shouldn’t have worked, but did anyway. The new robot, named “12 mk.2”, was completely fabricated within three days. managed to also land in semifinals, but no further. The robots we produced were in need of constant tinkering during the breaks, which kept it gradually getting better for the competitions, but this showed a lack of preparedness on our part due to the many issues that never showed up during testing. Nevertheless, Team 1750 will be making another robot in the future for the next Vex Competition.

These images are of 12 mk.1: Capable of launching, rollers, and bulldozing. No endgame included.

These images are of 12 mk.2: Capable of rollers, endgame, and bulldozing. No launchers.